Indian festival

Indian festival

India is well known all over the world as a country of traditional and cultural festivals because it is a country of multi-religious and multi-cultural. In India one can enjoy the festivals every month. It is a secular country full of diversity in religion, language, culture and caste, it is always full of people attending fairs and festivals. People belonging to every religion have their own cultural and traditional festivals. Some festivals are celebrated by people of all religions all over the nation. They celebrate each and every festival in a different way according to the important history, customs and beliefs behind them. Each festival has its own history, mythology and special significance to celebrate. The people of India living abroad celebrate the festivals of India with great enthusiasm and passion.

India is a country which is an example of unity in diversity because here religions like Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian and Jain etc. live together. Some festivals are celebrated at the national level while some are celebrated at the regional level. According to the method and religion, the festivals are classified into different classes.

Festivals of 2021

Hindu festival

Many cultural and traditional festivals are celebrated by the people of Hindu religion all over the world. Hinduism is considered as the oldest organized religion in the whole world, as well as it is also counted as the third largest religion in the world. Every Hindu festival has its own special method of celebrating, offering Ganges water to deities, keeping fast, bathing with Ganga water early in the morning, donating, listening to stories, home, aarti etc. Regardless of caste, age, and gender, all people of Hindu religion celebrate their festival together.

The dates of Hindu festivals are fixed according to the dates of the Hindu calendar, the lunisolar calendar which depends on the movement of the Sun and the Moon throughout the year. Some Hindu festivals are celebrated in the form of historical mythology, some on the change of seasons and some to keep the environment clean. Some festivals are celebrated by people of a particular sect or in the Indian subcontinent.

There are many beliefs in Hinduism because of many ancient and sacred religious texts (Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata, and Ramayana, Rigveda, Samveda, Yajurveda, Atharvaveda) Hindu goddess etc. In Hinduism, the day of birth and death of gods and goddesses is also celebrated with great enthusiasm like dance, song etc.

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