What is Dhanteras

It is the festival of the first day of the five day long Diwali celebrations all over India as well as in other countries. Dhanteras means the worship of wealth on the 13th day (in Krishna Paksha, dark fortnight) in the month of Ashwin, according to the Hindu lunar calendar. Goddess Lakshmi is also worshiped on this day, and on this day there is a tradition to buy some valuables and bring them home with the myth that Goddess Lakshmi will come home. It brings luck and prosperity to the house.


How is Dhanteras celebrated?

On this great occasion, people usually get their houses repaired, cleaned, and painted, decorate the interior and exterior house, make rangoli, light earthen lamps, and follow many more traditions.

They paste the drawn footprints of Goddess Lakshmi to bring wealth and prosperity to their homes.

After sunset, Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha are worshiped for prosperity, wisdom and goodness by offering garlands of flowers, sweets, ghee lamps, incense sticks, incense sticks, camphor to the goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha.

People chant devotional songs and aartis to Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha. People play the game of gambling by wearing new clothes and jewelry.

Dhanteras stories and legends

The legend behind the celebration of Dhanteras is the story of the 16 year old son of King Hima. There was such a prophecy about him that he would die on the fourth day of his marriage after being bitten by the soap. His wife was very clever, she had found a way to save her husband's life. She did not let her husband sleep on that particular day. He collected all his gold and silver ornaments and a lot of coins and made a pile in front of the door of his bedroom and lit lamps everywhere in the room. She told stories to keep her husband awake.

Yama, the god of death, arrived there in the form of a snake. His eyes were dazzled by the light of the ornaments and diyas. He was completely unable to enter the room, so he decided to jump over the pile of coins. But after listening to the song of the prince's wife, they sat there the whole night. Slowly it was morning and they went back without taking her husband. In this way she protected the life of her husband, only then from that day this day was celebrated as Dhanteras.

Another story behind celebrating Diwali is the churning of the ocean by the gods and demons to get nectar. Dhanvantari (known as the physician of the gods and an incarnation of Lord Vishnu) emerged from the ocean churning (with a jar of nectar). This day is celebrated as Dhanteras.

Tradition on Dhanteras

According to Hindu mythology, there are varieties of different customs and traditions behind the observance of this ceremony by Hindus. People consider it a good idea to buy new things like gold and silver coins, jewelry, new utensils and other new items. People believe that bringing new things to the house is the hallmark of bringing Lakshmi for the whole year. Lakshmi Puja is performed in the evening, and people light various diyas to ward off the shadow of evil spirits. People also sing devotional songs, aartis and mantras to ward off evil forces.

In the village, people decorate their cattle and worship them because they are the main source of their income. South Indian people decorate cows and worship them as an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi.

importance of dhanteras

It is considered very auspicious to bring new things into the house on Dhanteras. People perform Lakshmi Puja during Shubh Muhurta as per the calendar. Seven grains (wheat, gram, barley, urad, moong, lentil) are worshiped at some places. Golden flowers and sweets are offered during the worship of Goddess Lakshmi.

This festival plays a big role in the life of all the people. It brings a lot of happiness, wealth, prosperity, wisdom and good fortune to all. People clean all things from their surroundings to remove bad energy and laziness. Before worshiping people take a bath to clean their body, mind and soul.

This day is the birthday of Dev Dhanvantari, all new research related to medical science is established on this day.

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